"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey

Sunday, December 10

Sunday meme-ing


I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Research: lab, science
2. Chuck: roast, hamburger
3. Insert: foot, envelope spam
4. Bang: you're dead, gunshot, fireworks
5. Lousy: behavior, rotten, mean
6. Rehearsal: dress, stage, wedding
7. Critics: negative, judgement, fault finder
8. Memory: failing!
9. Squid: blecch!, big eye, beak
10. Remove: take out, dispose of, erase

Since Patrick doesn't have Sunday up yet, I'll go with yesterday's...

1. Do you send Christmas cards? If so, do you write any notes inside the Christmas card or include a "newsletter" about your family, or do you basically just sign your name?

I do - usually. No newsletter, I'm not that ambitious, generally just write a little blurb and sign my name.

2. Are you more likely to shop in a store that has returned the phrase, "Merry Christmas" to its holiday signage?
Probably, but I have my favorites anyway and would still shop them unless they got really stupid about the whole thing.

3. Do you buy your pets Christmas presents?
But of course!

4. Take the quiz: Are you more cat or dog?

You Are: 50% Dog, 50% Cat

You are a nice blend of cat and dog.
You're playful but not too needy. And you're friendly
but careful.
And while you have your moody moments,
you're too happy to stay upset for long.

5. Which have you owned more of during your life, cats or dogs?
I'm surprised at my quiz answer! Have owned more cats (9 plus kittens for 3, versus 5 dogs,) simply because I like cats better - they're so much easier than dogs - dogs are so demanding.

6. If you had to come back as one or the other, and assuming you'd belong to an owner who would treat you well, would you rather be a cat or a dog?
Definitely a cat.


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