"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey

Saturday, June 7

Not for me...

Well, rat pee! We had planned to check out a couple more of Frederick's farmer's markets today, and then maybe mosey on over to the annual Frederick Festival of the Arts down along the Carroll Creek promenade. Mother Nature, however, has other ideas. In the past two days, the weather has gone from relatively pleasant and hot to miserably hot (96 degrees!) with stifling humidity to boot. Summer 2008 in Maryland is making its debut in a butt-ugly outfit!

Since I just don't breathe well in this junk... and I'm rather fond of breathing... my plans, at least, are on hold or cancelled for the day. Lew has gone on to see what's good at the farmer's markets and run a couple of errands, while I've opted to keep my lungs inside with the air-conditioning. Maybe the evening will bring cooler, less moisture-filled air and we'll stop by the Arts Festival then. We have until 7:00 pm to decide. And tomorrow too.

Meanwhile, I guess I'll go throw some kind of pasta salad something or other together for a light dinner and see what else I can get into...


At 6/07/2008 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know, it is hot here, too. The thermometer is showing 97 degrees here.


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