"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey
Cats on Tuesday - Buster Antics
Typical of beasties, my Buster Boy thinks that everything that comes into the house belongs to him. We bought some new plastic storage containers yesterday and as soon as we took them out of the box, he had to rub and mark "his" territory... the empty box.
Then, we cleared out space in the cabinet to make room for the new pieces.
Being the entitled cat that he fancies himself to be, he immediately jumped in and declared the space his new hidey hole and was very indignant with his "whaddaya mean, move?" look when chased out. Goofy cat!Labels: beasties
Cats are crazy when it comes to cartons or funny places ! I sometimes wonder how they can sleep in some places ! Arthur once choose the empty diswasher as napping place and didn't want to come out !
Yes, cats do think everything belongs to them! Anything new that comes into the house must be marked! And all cats seem to love boxes. :)
Great photos. :) Buster is a handsome cat. :)
Buster rules! Ha! Looks like he's in control to me! LOL D :)
I think your Buster must be the brother of my Mr. Rhett or else somehow related. They look quite a bit alike. Siamese with a little more padding in the rump. Rhett does the same thing. If you get up from the table to fetch something from the fridge, he immediately takes your seat. He doesn't realize that with my folks around, this is taking his life in his own paws... sometimes they don't see him there. But he gets down before becoming squashed cat.
Ah, that's too cute! Love that "whaddya mean, MOVE?" look!!!
What a beautiful cat. I love the dark colors. My cats think they own the place, too.
That is a beautiful cat.It´s looking funny. My cats go also into cabinets. If any door is open I must watch out.
My friend is pregnant, and as soon as they brought the bassinet home, the 2 kitties claimed it as theirs. To try to discourage them, she put a baby doll in it. No problem, they curled up around it :-) Cats are silly!
That is just such typical cat behaviour, isn't it !!! I have to watch out, as wherever in the house I might be, if I open a cupboard or wardrobe, there comes Bambi. She's gotten herself locked in my Chicky's wardrobe once, and we spent hours looking for her !!! Silly kitty. Your Buster is just beautiful, and why shouldn't he claim that shelf in your cupboard, it is perfect for him !!
Take care, Meow
Wouldn't life be bland without all of the help we get? OK, I admit there are times when I wish I could accomplish something like everybody else, quickly and without confusion and mishaps. But it would be bland! I love your kitty's eyes!
Do all the cats that come to live with you have such attitudes? What is up with that? All of them seem to have that extra "umph" when it comes to attitude. They are beautiful and great company. Scooter was the king of attitude though!
That sounds like a cat with his own agenda! It makes me miss having a cat...just a little. It's that whole litter box thing that keeps me from getting another.
take care,
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