Friday's Feast

May 25, 2007
Name a sound you like to hear.
the wind chimes outside my open patio door
What is your favorite kind of cheese?
hmmmmm...I like most cheeses so a favorite is hard to choose - it's easier to say my least favorite - gorgonzola or limburger... cannot get them past my nose
Do you sleep late on Saturday mornings? Why or why not?
I usually sleep late every morning... because I'm a night owl and because I can ;)
Main Course
When was the last time you forgot something? What was it, and how long did it take to remember it?
About 5 minutes ago
What was it
I was trying to remember a kind of cheese (above) and couldn't think of the name (Edam)... had to Google it!! *sigh* happens all the time.
and how long did it take to remember it?
about 2 minutes
Fill in the blank: I notice ____________ when _____________.
I notice tones of voice when I talk to people.
I can so relate to the main course...
Happy Friday!
I like how you did your soup. Great idea. Yes, those two cheeses are pretty rotten. :o)
Have a safe and happy weekend.
Great feast Marianne! I love, love, love to hear my windchimes singing in the breeze too. So peaceful :)
You crack me up about forgetting the name of the cheese. I do stuff like that all the time, thank goodness for Google!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
wonderful feast. Love your post about the contractors--LOL
hooray for sleeping in!!!
I like that ... you sleep late cause you can !! Wish I could
Hope you are well.
Take care, Meow
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