"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey

Friday, July 22

The Iceman Cometh!

Yessss!! Somebody up there loves me! "Veni, vidi, vici" - he came, he saw, he conquered! Well, temporarily anyway. Recharged the lines with freon, which will fix the problem for awhile and I could feel the effects within the hour. However, the system is 18 years old and majorly chugging out it's last breath of cool air. Can't complain, it's served us long and well. So, the other AC dude is coming out Sunday(!) - I love our AC company! - for discussion, options, and estimates for a new unit.

Anyway, the whole incident got us to talking last night about the creature comforts of life. Being a Washington, DC native, I grew up in the summer hell-hole of the universe. Not only is the heat brutal enough to fry your brain, but the humidity will suck the life right out of you and leave you choking on water-filled air.

As a kid, all we had were two of those oscillating fans; a kind of big one my father attached to the living room wall, and a smaller one on the windowsill in my parents bedroom. As years went on, that's all we ever had - no window unit ACs, no box fans, and certainly no central air - just an oscillating fan. Then I left home, married, and ended up living in the afore-mentioned state of Mississippi, without that window to throw the pee-pot out of, let alone a fan to put in it. I looked forward to walking over to pay the rent at our landlady's house - she had central air and always invited me in. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven!

Two apartments later and while living in our first house, we finally got AC and enjoyed it for about 5-6 years. When we moved into this house though, we went back to no AC because hubby was going to install it himself to 'save' money. *sigh* Well, we got divorced instead and I lived without for another decade or so before present hubby and I had it installed.

To this day, I do not know how I managed to survive the first half of my life! I cannot tolerate the heat and I'll never live without it again - ever, ever, ever.


At 7/22/2005 7:03 PM, Blogger Tina said...

Oh my, I'm glad you got your A/C fixed. It's been so nasty here in MD this week. Enjoy your cool air!


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