"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey

Sunday, December 24

Christmas Eve muttering...

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I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Terrify: frighten badly

2. Month: December

3. Throat: sore

4. Invasion: ants

5. Nail: polish

6. 12: dollars, dozen

7. Bicker: squabble

8. Thomas:

9. Sibling: sister, rivalry

10. Delude: mislead

and because it was fun last week, I said and he thought...?
(Lew's answers)

1. Terrify: scare

2. Month: April

3. Throat: gag

4. Invasion: Iraq

5. Nail: hammer

6. 12: dozen

7. Bicker: quibble

8. Thomas: Aquinas

9. Sibling: brother

10. Delude: trick

Merry Christmas!


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