"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey
No more Thursday 13 *sniff*
Well, that just purely sucks! Thursday Thirteen has come to a rather abrupt end with today's final (#81) retirement edition. Along with a whole lot of others, I'm really bummed about the whole thing. It's really too bad, but I'm sure it took an inordinate amount of time and energy to manage week after week.
Thanks much, Leanne - you created a really fun meme for us all to play and to get to know one another better - I'll miss it.
Labels: meme-ing, tt
I hated to see it ending too, and was a little surprised. I haven't played in several weeks, because I just kept having trouble coming up with 13 anythings.
On a separate note, I've been playing the "Booking Through Thursday" book-related meme, instead. Just an idea :)
did you see?? the torch has been passed on & Thursday 13 will live on! =)
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