"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey

Friday, May 7

...how does your garden grow?

Very well, thank you! Well, hopefully very well. How well remains to be seen.

For more years than I care to remember, I've wanted a bed of hosta around either our front yard maple or our back yard oak. For one reason or another, we just kept putting it off - there were other beds to dig, other things to plant, etc., etc., etc. Well, this was the year and it's finally done. Our maple has hosta underneath it!

Lew has worked very hard the past two days measuring, digging, and laying border blocks. The major chore and time-eater was digging through and around thirty-five years worth of root growth. Jeez, what a job!! He persevered, however, and I'm loving the results:

Measuring blocks and plant placement...

Extra soil, compost, and peat moss ready for the plants...

Hostas and companion impatiens all planted...

and looking pretty as can be!!

Now all we have to do is keep the slugs and rabbits from turning it all into a buffet and the neigborhood cats from making it their personal litter box!

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At 5/07/2010 12:20 PM, Blogger Lew said...

Thanks Hon! You deserve pretty!

At 5/07/2010 12:25 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Aw what a sweet comment from Lew! How lucky are you. Beautiful job Lew, and what a pretty addition to your yard Marianne!

At 5/07/2010 2:49 PM, Anonymous Elaine Big "E" said...

Really quite lovely. Lew does such nice work. Considered renting him out???

At 5/07/2010 7:17 PM, Blogger marianne said...

Thanks, Laurie - he's a keeper! :-)

Nah, Big E - you're family, I'd loan him to you for free! :-D (I passed on your comment to the man...)


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