"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey

Friday, July 29

Throw away the key...

Some women just shouldn't be mothers. God should not have blessed them with a uterus. I simply cannot comprehend a m-o-t-h-e-r abandoning her 4 year old child along a majorly trafficked highway, in the dark, all alone, to fend for himself. And 'bumping' him with the car for good measure as she drove off! Dear God in heaven, what kind of a monster does something like that? And what kind of people have we become if we allow any kind of rationale for that kind of unspeakable behavior?

I am sick to death of excuses being made for the inexcusable. The story we're hearing now is "oh, well, she just lost her job and she was stressed." Yeah? So? That gives her an excuse to commit murder? Yes, murder. If that child had been killed by a car, she would have single-handedly, with malice aforethought, murdered him. And all because she's incapable of controlling herself? So she abuses a helpless, innocent baby? Puhleeeze! Where do these freakin' people come from?

I'm stunned stupid, just totally dumbfounded... and angrier than I've been in a long, long time. I hope this women rots behind bars somewhere. And I pray to God she's never allowed to abuse another child! There is no excuse for it - there just isn't. None. No matter how you twist it around, it's unbelievably evil.


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