"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey
Etc., etc., etc. ...
Well, it's looking like the contractor is never coming back. He certainly isn't ever going to return phone calls again! Grrrrrr! So, more than a month after they finished the siding, we're still waiting for the new porch posts and railing to be installed. In the meantime we've ordered and received the new storm door. <----- Looks like this except it's bronze-colored to match the window/door trim. Really a cool door, as doors go. The screen part retracts and is hidden inside the door frame when not in use. Kinda like a window shade. Very convenient.Lew is busily installing it as I type and the timing is perfect. Fall is starting to settle in so we're beginning to get those chilly days and nights. The front door was looking a little naked and needed its protective friend.
oh that's so frustrating. ugh. i hope you're able to get everything finished up soon.
Hey there sis-in-law
Can you call the Better Busines Bureau or does the local TV station have a consumer person who will help you kick butt? Also, please tell us you haven't paid them in full - 'cause then you may really never see them again!
Enjoy your new wheels (your brother was suitably impressed Red?!!!???. Hi to Lew and see you in Nov.
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