Catch-up Sarcomicals...
So here's the drill for the newbies. After you read mine, copy and paste these into your comment, and replace my answer with yours. Simple, no? BUT WAIT. The trick is to get your UberIntelligent and/or UberWitty and/or UberBoring answer conveyed in just ONE WORD. I know, this is a lot to ask when you're dealing with important things in the world swirling all around you. But I have no doubt that you can accomplish the task. Are you ready?
One word Sarcomical Sunday #5
March 4, 2007
March 4, 2007
Your Current Footwear: socks
Something You're Doing Later: cooking
Something You Wish You Could Do Right Now: sunbathe
Your Age At the Time Of Your First Kiss: 13ish
Your Feelings About Global Warming: uncertain
A Sport You Wish Would Never Be Shown On Television: wrestling
Something On Your Desk that Shouldn't Be: dust
A Word To Describe The Current State of Your Sex Life: private
How the Sky Looks Right Now: dreary
Which of Snow White's 7 Dwarfs You'd Be: Happy
Your Preferred Birthday Cake: lemon
A Magazine You Subscribe To: noneNumber of Piercings You Have: 4
Your Favorite Delivery/Takeout Item: pizza
A Game You Hate to Play: GTA
The Name of Your First Real-Life Crush: Billy
The Hand You Write With: right
The Hand You Wear Watches On: left
Your Clothes Closet: borderline
The Side of the Bed You Sleep On (from the on-the-bed perspective): right
A Flavor You Love: butterscotch
Your Car: gone
The Last Thing You Misplaced: instructions
Your High School Mascot: dunno
Your Wasted Talent: writing
One Word Sarcomical Sunday #6
March 11, 2007
Your Mood: stableMarch 11, 2007
What You're Craving: sun
Your Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday
Your Mind: scattered
Something that Cheers You Up: grandkids
Something that Depresses You: clutter
Where Your Keys Rest at Night: purse
A TV Gameshow You Secretly Get Into: Wheel
The Way You Like Your Eggs: firm
Your Hair: colored
The Last Thing You Ordered Online: books
The Messiest Room In Your Home Right Now: family
Your Least Favorite Month: January
The Worst Fashion Fad You Participated In: minis
How Many Times In the Night You Get Up To Pee (on average): none
Your Journey: strengthening
A Sound that Makes You Happy: laughter
Your First Date: unremarkable
Something You Wish You Did More Often: travel
Something You Admire: honesty
The First Place You Go When You Get Home: potty
What You're Going to Do Now: lunch
Labels: meme-ing
aren't One-Word Sarcomicals fun? she doesn't always do them every week, but she's trying to. i love them though.
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