"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey

Sunday, July 31

The doctor is: IN

Doing that weekly "I'm okay, you're okay" blurb from again...

I say ... and you think ...?

  1. Risks:: dangers
  2. Abdominal:: belly-ish (is that even a word?)
  3. Radiant:: shining glow, sunny
  4. The usual:: same ol', same ol'
  5. Mix and match:: opposites attract
  6. Wireless:: no cords to trip over - no plugs - not connected
  7. Remedial:: extra help
  8. Mile:: smiles - like I'd walk a mile for...
  9. Long lost:: missing
  10. Only one:: lone, no more
There - I'm not too hard to figure out. Got your classic fears, neuroses, and insecurities - just like everyone else. Fun little exercise though... thought provoking. Yeah, like I really need something else to think about!

Got the coolest email from "my son's dad"... LOL. I posted it on two boards for the ladies at 2Peas but don't think many on one took it at face value or appreciated the awesome programming that went into creating such a neat graphic. Haven't heard from my pals on the other board yet. It is a little weird, I guess, but too, too cool. My buddy Nancy got it, though - she's more computer savvy than some. Hi Nancy! :)

Take a peek at Bubbles. If she gets stuck, just left click on her and move her in any direction to un-stick her.


At 8/03/2005 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bubbles! How cool is that????????

Too much fun on a lunch hour!



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