"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey

Sunday, January 6

Minds are made for changing...

Well, that didn't last very long... so much for end-of-the-year decision-making. In spite of deciding to take a break from it all, I'm really missing the challenge of a daily photo and have found myself still taking pictures every day anyway. So, though I may regret it as the year progresses, I've decided to continue with my Project 365 for 2008. Actually, it'll be 366 because it's a leap year. I may need that extra day as a mental one later on!! ;)

Anyway, I've given my photo blog a face-lift, joined Karin's Project 365 Posse, and uploaded this past week's photos, using a literal interpretation of her weekly theme of "bells."

And so it begins. Feel free to visit... and comment... whenever you like:

Lil Bits Project 365 +1

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