"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live." Oprah Winfrey
Wednesday, October 29
Okay, a bit of levity for today. Skittles had a FUN LINKon her blog today so I played along. If you click on the applicable month, day, and year it'll tell you what the #1 hit song was the day you were born.
Boy, am I old -- even I barely remember this one!! Here's mine:
That's my catchy little tune time-waster for the day... what's yours??
Location: the fields, valleys, and foothills of my Maryland
I'm a nice lady with a nice hubby and 2 relatively nice cats. This is where I talk about bits and pieces of the world I live in - good, bad, and indifferent - sprinkled with love, whimsy, wisdom, and a bit of nonsense.
Would you believe mine's In the Mood by Glenn Miller?
well, yeah -- you're really old! ;)
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