"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey

Friday, September 30

Stop the world, it's spinning too fast...

I can't believe October is here. That means Halloween will be here as soon as I turn around, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas... all too soon, all too much! How did this year disappear so fast? Man, time flies, and I'm not even having a whole lot of fun!

Ergg, the idea of Christmas shopping is unnerving. All of our kids and grandkids are scattered across the country... Colorado, Texas, New Jersey, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and West By God Virginia. That means getting all the shopping, wrapping, and shipping done by Thanksgiving. At least that's the way it would be in my ideal world. Never happens like that though.

I'm a plan-ahead type, while Lew operates better in the crisis mode. Makes me mega-crazy so years ago I gave up on trying to reach any kind of synergy with him regarding Christmas. He does his thing, and I do mine and it semi works out. Somehow though, his last minuteness gets in the way and my anxiety level rises. All too often, stuff doesn't get shipped until the rush and crush of Christmas at the post office and that craziness of mine surfaces. I worry about everyone getting stuff on time.

And now I've gone and done it to myself, with no help at all from The Man. This year, I'm totally unprepared! I haven't done one bit of shopping. Usually I've already got a few things done by now. *sigh* There's got to be a better way...


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