"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey
What's that smell??
Oh yeah, the definitive sign that Spring has indeed arrived in the cornfields of Maryland. The immediate air, and that for miles around... as far as your delicate olfactory senses will take you... is perfumed with the unmistakable, malodorous aroma of Eau de Cowpoo. Eau de Cowpoo that has sat moldering and rotting allll winter long behind the barn doors of Frederick county. Even the cows can't wait to get back outside!Oh--my--God! Is there anything more putrid than liquified cowshit sprayed all over every field in sight!? *GACK!*
and *that* is a lovely mental image. thank you. LOL
Don't fan that smell down to North Carolina.
Well that didn't give the right link. Let me try again.
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