"I know for sure that everything in life happens to help us live."
Oprah Winfrey

Friday, August 12

Words, Words, and more Words...

Some of my favorite words end in "ous". Pretentious, audacious, insidious... love 'em. I'm real fond of sanctimonious too, but I think my all-time favorite has to be supercilious. I just love that word. I love the meaning of it, and I especially love how it just rol-l-l-s off the tongue with that slithery, snaky "ssssss" sound. Leaves the intended target wondering what truck hit him (or her) and whether they should get up or not. Yes, definitely a dramatic and pointed word which has the desired effect of quieting the most obnoxious big mouth.

I don't suffer fools gladly, especially puffed-up pompous ones, and used to have occasion to use these words more often. I knew too many people who fit them precisely. Actually, now that I think about it, the words were probably created specifically for some of them. Every industry has them, but we sure seemed to have more than our fair share.

At any rate, living as I do now, out of the business world and tucked up here in the cornfields of Maryland, I don't come into too much contact anymore with the kind of people who deserve hearing them, with one or two possible exceptions. Certainly the cows could give a diddly squat whether I called them sanctimonious jerks or not.

Every once and awhile though, I'll say one of them out loud, just to stay in practice. I know some fine one of these days the opportunity will present itself where no other word will do, and I'm going to be the one saying it. Wouldn't want to trip over my tongue in the process.

So, all of this babbling about words makes me sound pretty puffy myself, doesn't it?? Conjures up that old cliche - KISS - Keep It Simple, Sweetie. Why call someone supercilious when a plain ol' a-hole will do?

I dunno, but it sure feels good, and hey, at least I know what it means. Besides, I'm allowed... it's my blog.


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